Flowers, herbs and scents have always fascinated me. What powerful communications tools. No words are needed. The scents use a language all their own. They can lift and inspire us, comfort and cajole us, support and energise us.
Imagine what a world without scent would be - dull, colourless and empty...
The early days of my career were spent in the food industry, first in store catering and later in food & drink branding, packaging and design.
During this time I supported my mum when she signed up to study the Aromatherapy Practitioners Diploma course at the Raworth Centre in Dorking.
Many tiring weekends of volunteering to be her 'body' followed as she practiced her new talents!
Needless to say, the first day I walked into the college and was hit by the powerful scents of the essential oils I was hooked. Soon after I signed up to learn the art of Holistic Massage and then progressed to Aromatherapy. Alongside running a busy design business and food practice
Aromatherapy was soon to became integral to my life.
I was encouraged by my tutor to take up teaching and spread my love of all things that smell good. This has led me to work in many institutions - Kingston College, Birkbeck University London, St Marys University Twickenham, Neal's Yard Therapies and the School of Natural Therapies London.
I am fortunate now to be able to combine my love of all things connected to flowers, herbs and scents delivering Aromatherapy Diploma courses and key modules in Sports level 4 and 5 courses - Nutrition, Health & Fitness and Business Practice; CPD courses in Aromatherapy and Pregnancy & Post Natal Massage, together with a range of Aromatherapy Workshops.
It continues to be a most rewarding career and I have met and worked with many wonderful and inspiring tutors and students along the way, many of whom are still in touch today and continue to study with me.
Welcome to my world of beautiful aromas.
